Emergency Resources

Southwest Colorado Disaster Assistance & Economic Recovery

Southwest Colorado Disaster Assistance, or SWCODA, is a repository of resources for residents, businesses, and visitors to Southwest Colorado. SWCODA was activated in response to the novel COVID-19 pandemic to support individuals in need and businesses in economic recovery. Their resources has been used during past regional emergencies such as the 416 fire in 2018.

Specific resources and economic recovery information for San Juan County is available and up to date to support residents, businesses and visitors. They offer resources for the non-profit sector and Spanish speaking residents as well.

San Juan County Updates & Resources — SWCODA.org

Local Emergency Resources

Housing Weatherization Program – weatherization means making cost-effective energy-efficient upgrades to a home. These improvements will reduce energy usage while enhancing the home’s comfort year-round. Weatherization improvements may include insulation in attics, floors, & walls, furnace safety testing & repair or replacement, refrigerator replacement, LED light bulbs retrofit, air sealing, doors, and more. Households may be eligible for weatherization services if they meet required income guidelines. To learn more, contact SJDA at bkremer@sanjuandevelopment.com or 970-888-7440.

CO Energy Office: Weatherization Program

Emergency Resources San Juan County
Contact SJDA @ 970-888-7440 or smoore@sanjuandevelopment.com for more information.


Financial Aid:
The Southwest Community often opens resources during times of community emergencies through their CERF fund. Check for updates at:

CEAC is a collaborative multi-agency effort aimed at providing one-time, emergency assistance to individuals or families facing financial crisis and are unable to meet urgent payment for rent, utility bills, car repair, medical travel, dentures, childcare, and similar needs. Applicants must be a resident of La Plata or San Juan County and can apply by calling Housing Solutions at 970-259-1089 to make a consulting appointment and complete a CEAC application.
CEAC – United Way of Southwest Colorado
Housing Solutions for the Southwest

Emergency TANF funding related to a disaster is sometimes set up in relation to a Disaster Declaration (must have at least one child under the age of 18 and income must be under $75,000 and at least one family member must be US citizen or in US legally) Initiate the application through Krissy Rhoades via Social Service Office at the Courthouse. A minimum of 3 months after the end of a Disaster Declaration by the County to apply (970) 387-5631 or Kristina.Rhoades@co.laplata.co.us

Food Bank & COVID Services
Through the collaborative efforts of local agencies, organizations, and government, the Silverton COVID Services team can provide a wide range of support and assistance through help with rent and utility bills, food assistance, mental health support, and applying for state & federal aid. The process is simple and starts by contacting the Silverton COVID Services Coordinator.
Marley Roberts

Small Business Assistance:
San Juan Development Association offers micro loans less than $8,000 for businesses in need. Contact us at smoore@sanjuandevelopment.com or 970-888-7440.

Region 9 offers larger business loans and can be connected through SJDA

Southwest Colorado Small Business Development Center aids with SBA Disaster Relief Loans if you need help applying, as well as a good resource for businesses in times of distress.

Mary Shepard
(970) 247-7009

Other Services:

San Juan County Social Services
Krissy Rhoades
1557 Greene St
PO Box 376
Silverton, CO 81433
Phone: (970) 387-5631
Fax: (970) 387-5326
San Juan County Social Services

San Juan Emergency Management
The Emergency Management office effectively coordinates emergency management, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery efforts for the citizens of San Juan County.
San Juan County Emergency Management

211 Help Line Center:
This provides callers with information about and referrals to social services for every day needs and in times of crisis. Disaster Response and Recovery – works with the emergency management team during a disaster to offer support and place for dissemination of information.

What is 211?