Business Financing & Grant Opportunities


Download our Grant Digest for up to date information about grants available.

Descargue nuestro resumen de subvenciones para obtener informacion actualizada sobre las subvenciones disponibles

The SJDA Grant Digest is primarily designed for businesses and nonprofits located within San Juan County and the Town of Silverton, Colorado. The digest should be used as a tool if in need of funding for your small business or non-profit in the area and will be updated every month. For Grant-writing assistance or requests for a Letter of Support, please reach out to Sarah Moore, Grant & Sustainability Coordinator with San Juan Development Association at


San Juan Development Association: The economic development engine for our County offers micro loans to starting or developing businesses. We can also connect you with larger Region 9 Loans.
Laura Lewis Marchino

Download COVID Emergency Loan Application Form

Download SJDA Loan Application Form

Region 9: Region 9's Micro Enterprise Program assists qualifying small businesses with short-term (up to 5-years) capital needs of less than $100,000. Technical assistance grants of $5000 maximum (dependent on loan size) may also be available in conjunction with a Micro-Enterprise Loan. Applicants with loan requests greater than $100,000 are encouraged to apply for Region 9's Business Loan Fund program.
Jenny Stollar
(970) 247-9621

Download Region 9 Loan Application Form

Citizens State Bank: Citizens State Bank is vested in economic development and business growth in our community.
(970) 387-5502

Brownfield Projects:

Properties that sit untouched because of their real or perceived contamination can be rehabilitated using our Brownfields Program along with the Voluntary Cleanup Program.

In addition to cleanup plan reviews, the Brownfields Program aids property owners in the form of:

Email for more information.

SJDA Loan Application Forms

Download COVID Emergency Loan Application Form

Download SJDA Loan Application Form